Source code for ptwt.separable_conv_transform

"""Compute separable convolution-based transforms.

This module takes multi-dimensional convolutions apart.
It uses single-dimensional convolutions to transform
axes individually.
Under the hood, code in this module transforms all dimensions
using torch.nn.functional.conv1d and it's transpose.

from functools import partial
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pywt
import torch

from ._util import (
from .constants import BoundaryMode
from .conv_transform import wavedec, waverec
from .conv_transform_2 import _preprocess_tensor_dec2d

def _separable_conv_dwtn_(
    rec_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
    input_arg: torch.Tensor,
    wavelet: Union[str, pywt.Wavelet],
    mode: BoundaryMode = "reflect",
    key: str = "",
) -> None:
    """Compute a single-level separable fast wavelet transform.

    All but the first axes are transformed.

        input_arg (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape [batch, data_1, ... data_n].
        wavelet (Union[str, pywt.Wavelet]): The Wavelet to work with.
        mode : The padding mode. The following methods are supported::

                "reflect", "zero", "constant", "periodic".

            Defaults to "reflect".
        key (str): The filter application path. Defaults to "".
        dict (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): The result will be stored here
            in place. Defaults to {}.
    axis_total = len(input_arg.shape) - 1
    if len(key) == axis_total:
        rec_dict[key] = input_arg
    if len(key) < axis_total:
        current_axis = len(key) + 1
        res_a, res_d = wavedec(
            input_arg, wavelet, level=1, mode=mode, axis=-current_axis
        _separable_conv_dwtn_(rec_dict, res_a, wavelet, mode=mode, key="a" + key)
        _separable_conv_dwtn_(rec_dict, res_d, wavelet, mode=mode, key="d" + key)

def _separable_conv_idwtn(
    in_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], wavelet: Union[str, pywt.Wavelet]
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Separable single level inverse fast wavelet transform.

        in_dict (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): The dictionary produced
            by _separable_conv_dwtn_ .
        wavelet (Union[str, pywt.Wavelet]): The wavelet used by
            _separable_conv_dwtn_ .

        torch.Tensor: A reconstruction of the original signal.
    done_dict = {}
    a_initial_keys = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == "a", in_dict.keys()))
    for a_key in a_initial_keys:
        current_axis = len(a_key)
        d_key = "d" + a_key[1:]
        coeff_d = in_dict[d_key]
        d_shape = coeff_d.shape
        # undo any analysis padding.
        coeff_a = in_dict[a_key][tuple(slice(0, ds) for ds in d_shape)]
        trans_a, trans_d = (
            coeff.transpose(-1, -current_axis) for coeff in (coeff_a, coeff_d)
        flat_a, flat_d = (
            coeff.reshape(-1, coeff.shape[-1]) for coeff in (trans_a, trans_d)
        rec_ad = waverec([flat_a, flat_d], wavelet)
        rec_ad = rec_ad.reshape(list(trans_a.shape[:-1]) + [rec_ad.shape[-1]])
        rec_ad = rec_ad.transpose(-current_axis, -1)
        if a_key[1:]:
            done_dict[a_key[1:]] = rec_ad
            return rec_ad
    return _separable_conv_idwtn(done_dict, wavelet)

def _separable_conv_wavedecn(
    input: torch.Tensor,
    wavelet: pywt.Wavelet,
    mode: BoundaryMode = "reflect",
    level: Optional[int] = None,
) -> List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]:
    """Compute a multilevel separable padded wavelet analysis transform.

        input (torch.Tensor): A tensor i.e. of shape [batch,axis_1, ... axis_n].
        wavelet (Wavelet): A pywt wavelet compatible object.
        mode : The desired padding mode.
        level (int): The desired decomposition level.

        List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]: The wavelet coeffs.
    result: List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]] = []
    approx = input

    if level is None:
        wlen = len(_as_wavelet(wavelet))
        level = int(
            min([np.log2(axis_len / (wlen - 1)) for axis_len in input.shape[1:]])

    for _ in range(level):
        level_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {}
        _separable_conv_dwtn_(level_dict, approx, wavelet, mode=mode, key="")
        approx_key = "a" * (len(input.shape) - 1)
        approx = level_dict.pop(approx_key)
    return result[::-1]

def _separable_conv_waverecn(
    coeffs: List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]],
    wavelet: pywt.Wavelet,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Separable n-dimensional wavelet synthesis transform.

        coeffs (List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]):
            The output as produced by `_separable_conv_wavedecn`.
        wavelet (pywt.Wavelet):
            The wavelet used by `_separable_conv_wavedecn`.

        torch.Tensor: The reconstruction of the original signal.

        ValueError: If the coeffs is not structured as expected.
    if not isinstance(coeffs[0], torch.Tensor):
        raise ValueError("approximation tensor must be first in coefficient list.")
    if not all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, dict), coeffs[1:])):
        raise ValueError("All entries after approximation tensor must be dicts.")

    approx: torch.Tensor = coeffs[0]
    for level_dict in coeffs[1:]:
        keys = list(level_dict.keys())  # type: ignore
        level_dict["a" * max(map(len, keys))] = approx  # type: ignore
        approx = _separable_conv_idwtn(level_dict, wavelet)  # type: ignore
    return approx

[docs] def fswavedec2( data: torch.Tensor, wavelet: Union[str, pywt.Wavelet], *, mode: BoundaryMode = "reflect", level: Optional[int] = None, axes: Tuple[int, int] = (-2, -1), ) -> List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]: """Compute a fully separable 2D-padded analysis wavelet transform. Args: data (torch.Tensor): An data signal of shape ``[batch, height, width]`` or ``[batch, channels, height, width]``. wavelet (Wavelet or str): A pywt wavelet compatible object or the name of a pywt wavelet. Refer to the output of ``pywt.wavelist(kind="discrete")`` for a list of possible choices. mode : The desired padding mode for extending the signal along the edges. Defaults to "reflect". See :data:`ptwt.constants.BoundaryMode`. level (int): The number of desired scales. Defaults to None. axes ([int, int]): The axes we want to transform, defaults to (-2, -1). Raises: ValueError: If the data is not a batched 2D signal. Returns: List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]: A list with the lll coefficients and dictionaries with the filter order strings:: ("ad", "da", "dd") as keys. With a for the low pass or approximation filter and d for the high-pass or detail filter. Example: >>> import torch >>> import ptwt >>> data = torch.randn(5, 10, 10) >>> coeff = ptwt.fswavedec2(data, "haar", level=2) """ if not _is_dtype_supported(data.dtype): raise ValueError(f"Input dtype {data.dtype} not supported") if tuple(axes) != (-2, -1): if len(axes) != 2: raise ValueError("2D transforms work with two axes.") else: data = _swap_axes(data, list(axes)) wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet) data, ds = _preprocess_tensor_dec2d(data) data = data.squeeze(1) res = _separable_conv_wavedecn(data, wavelet, mode=mode, level=level) if ds: _unfold_axes2 = partial(_unfold_axes, ds=ds, keep_no=2) res = _map_result(res, _unfold_axes2) if axes != (-2, -1): undo_swap_fn = partial(_undo_swap_axes, axes=axes) res = _map_result(res, undo_swap_fn) return res
[docs] def fswavedec3( data: torch.Tensor, wavelet: Union[str, pywt.Wavelet], *, mode: BoundaryMode = "reflect", level: Optional[int] = None, axes: Tuple[int, int, int] = (-3, -2, -1), ) -> List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]: """Compute a fully separable 3D-padded analysis wavelet transform. Args: data (torch.Tensor): An input signal of shape [batch, depth, height, width]. wavelet (Wavelet or str): A pywt wavelet compatible object or the name of a pywt wavelet. Refer to the output of ``pywt.wavelist(kind="discrete")`` for a list of possible choices. mode : The desired padding mode for extending the signal along the edges. Defaults to "reflect". See :data:`ptwt.constants.BoundaryMode`. level (int): The number of desired scales. Defaults to None. axes (Tuple[int, int, int]): Compute the transform over these axes instead of the last three. Defaults to (-3, -2, -1). Raises: ValueError: If the input is not a batched 3D signal. Returns: List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]: A list with the lll coefficients and dictionaries with the filter order strings:: ("aad", "ada", "add", "daa", "dad", "dda", "ddd") as keys. With a for the low pass or approximation filter and d for the high-pass or detail filter. Example: >>> import torch >>> import ptwt >>> data = torch.randn(5, 10, 10, 10) >>> coeff = ptwt.fswavedec3(data, "haar", level=2) """ if not _is_dtype_supported(data.dtype): raise ValueError(f"Input dtype {data.dtype} not supported") if tuple(axes) != (-3, -2, -1): if len(axes) != 3: raise ValueError("2D transforms work with two axes.") else: data = _swap_axes(data, list(axes)) wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet) ds = None if len(data.shape) >= 5: data, ds = _fold_axes(data, 3) elif len(data.shape) < 4: raise ValueError("At lest four input dimensions are required.") data = data.squeeze(1) res = _separable_conv_wavedecn(data, wavelet, mode=mode, level=level) if ds: _unfold_axes3 = partial(_unfold_axes, ds=ds, keep_no=3) res = _map_result(res, _unfold_axes3) if axes != (-3, -2, -1): undo_swap_fn = partial(_undo_swap_axes, axes=axes) res = _map_result(res, undo_swap_fn) return res
[docs] def fswaverec2( coeffs: List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]], wavelet: Union[str, pywt.Wavelet], axes: Tuple[int, int] = (-2, -1), ) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute a fully separable 2D-padded synthesis wavelet transform. The function uses separate single-dimensional convolutions under the hood. Args: coeffs (List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]): The wavelet coefficients as computed by `fswavedec2`. wavelet (Union[str, pywt.Wavelet]): The wavelet to use for the synthesis transform. axes (Tuple[int, int]): Compute the transform over these axes instead of the last two. Defaults to (-2, -1). Returns: torch.Tensor: A reconstruction of the signal encoded in the wavelet coefficients. Raises: ValueError: If the axes argument is not a tuple of two integers. Example: >>> import torch >>> import ptwt >>> data = torch.randn(5, 10, 10) >>> coeff = ptwt.fswavedec2(data, "haar", level=2) >>> rec = ptwt.fswaverec2(coeff, "haar") """ if tuple(axes) != (-2, -1): if len(axes) != 2: raise ValueError("2D transforms work with two axes.") else: _check_axes_argument(list(axes)) swap_fn = partial(_swap_axes, axes=list(axes)) coeffs = _map_result(coeffs, swap_fn) ds = None wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet) res_ll = _check_if_tensor(coeffs[0]) torch_dtype = res_ll.dtype if res_ll.dim() >= 4: # avoid the channel sum, fold the channels into batches. ds = _check_if_tensor(coeffs[0]).shape coeffs = _map_result(coeffs, lambda t: _fold_axes(t, 2)[0]) res_ll = _check_if_tensor(coeffs[0]) if not _is_dtype_supported(torch_dtype): raise ValueError(f"Input dtype {torch_dtype} not supported") res_ll = _separable_conv_waverecn(coeffs, wavelet) if ds: res_ll = _unfold_axes(res_ll, list(ds), 2) if axes != (-2, -1): res_ll = _undo_swap_axes(res_ll, list(axes)) return res_ll
[docs] def fswaverec3( coeffs: List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]], wavelet: Union[str, pywt.Wavelet], axes: Tuple[int, int, int] = (-3, -2, -1), ) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute a fully separable 3D-padded synthesis wavelet transform. Args: coeffs (List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]): The wavelet coefficients as computed by `fswavedec3`. wavelet (Union[str, pywt.Wavelet]): The wavelet to use for the synthesis transform. axes (Tuple[int, int, int]): Compute the transform over these axes instead of the last three. Defaults to (-3, -2, -1). Returns: torch.Tensor: A reconstruction of the signal encoded in the wavelet coefficients. Raises: ValueError: If the axes argument is not a tuple with three ints. Example: >>> import torch >>> import ptwt >>> data = torch.randn(5, 10, 10, 10) >>> coeff = ptwt.fswavedec3(data, "haar", level=2) >>> rec = ptwt.fswaverec3(coeff, "haar") """ if tuple(axes) != (-3, -2, -1): if len(axes) != 3: raise ValueError("2D transforms work with two axes.") else: _check_axes_argument(list(axes)) swap_fn = partial(_swap_axes, axes=list(axes)) coeffs = _map_result(coeffs, swap_fn) ds = None wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet) res_ll = _check_if_tensor(coeffs[0]) torch_dtype = res_ll.dtype if res_ll.dim() >= 5: # avoid the channel sum, fold the channels into batches. ds = _check_if_tensor(coeffs[0]).shape coeffs = _map_result(coeffs, lambda t: _fold_axes(t, 3)[0]) res_ll = _check_if_tensor(coeffs[0]) if not _is_dtype_supported(torch_dtype): raise ValueError(f"Input dtype {torch_dtype} not supported") res_ll = _separable_conv_waverecn(coeffs, wavelet) if ds: res_ll = _unfold_axes(res_ll, list(ds), 3) if axes != (-3, -2, -1): res_ll = _undo_swap_axes(res_ll, list(axes)) return res_ll