Source code for ptwt.packets

"""Compute analysis wavelet packet representations."""

import collections
from functools import partial
from itertools import product
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import pywt
import torch

from ._util import Wavelet, _as_wavelet
from .constants import ExtendedBoundaryMode, OrthogonalizeMethod
from .conv_transform import wavedec, waverec
from .conv_transform_2 import wavedec2, waverec2
from .matmul_transform import MatrixWavedec, MatrixWaverec
from .matmul_transform_2 import MatrixWavedec2, MatrixWaverec2
from .separable_conv_transform import fswavedec2, fswaverec2

    BaseDict = collections.UserDict[str, torch.Tensor]
    BaseDict = collections.UserDict

def _wpfreq(fs: float, level: int) -> List[float]:
    """Compute the frequencies for a fully decomposed 1d packet tree.

       The packet transform linearly subdivides all frequencies
       from zero up to the Nyquist frequency.

        fs (float): The sampling frequency.
        level (int): The decomposition level.

        List[float]: The frequency bins of the packets in frequency order.
    n = np.array(range(int(np.power(2.0, level))))
    freqs = (fs / 2.0) * (n / (np.power(2.0, level)))
    return list(freqs)

[docs] class WaveletPacket(BaseDict): """Implements a single-dimensional wavelet packets analysis transform.""" def __init__( self, data: Optional[torch.Tensor], wavelet: Union[Wavelet, str], mode: ExtendedBoundaryMode = "reflect", maxlevel: Optional[int] = None, axis: int = -1, boundary_orthogonalization: OrthogonalizeMethod = "qr", ) -> None: """Create a wavelet packet decomposition object. The decompositions will rely on padded fast wavelet transforms. Args: data (torch.Tensor, optional): The input data array of shape ``[time]``, ``[batch_size, time]`` or ``[batch_size, channels, time]``. If None, the object is initialized without performing a decomposition. The time axis is transformed by default. Use the ``axis`` argument to choose another dimension. wavelet (Wavelet or str): A pywt wavelet compatible object or the name of a pywt wavelet. mode : The desired padding method. If you select 'boundary', the sparse matrix backend will be used. Defaults to 'reflect'. maxlevel (int, optional): Value is passed on to `transform`. The highest decomposition level to compute. If None, the maximum level is determined from the input data shape. Defaults to None. axis (int): The axis to transform. Defaults to -1. boundary_orthogonalization : The orthogonalization method to use. Only used if `mode` equals 'boundary'. Choose from 'qr' or 'gramschmidt'. Defaults to 'qr'. Example: >>> import torch, pywt, ptwt >>> import numpy as np >>> import scipy.signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1500) >>> w = scipy.signal.chirp(t, f0=1, f1=50, t1=10, method="linear") >>> wp = ptwt.WaveletPacket(data=torch.from_numpy(w.astype(np.float32)), >>> wavelet=pywt.Wavelet("db3"), mode="reflect") >>> np_lst = [] >>> for node in wp.get_level(5): >>> np_lst.append(wp[node]) >>> viz = np.stack(np_lst).squeeze() >>> plt.imshow(np.abs(viz)) >>> """ self.wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet) self.mode = mode self.boundary = boundary_orthogonalization self._matrix_wavedec_dict: Dict[int, MatrixWavedec] = {} self._matrix_waverec_dict: Dict[int, MatrixWaverec] = {} self.maxlevel: Optional[int] = None self.axis = axis if data is not None: if len(data.shape) == 1: # add a batch dimension. data = data.unsqueeze(0) self.transform(data, maxlevel) else: = {}
[docs] def transform( self, data: torch.Tensor, maxlevel: Optional[int] = None ) -> "WaveletPacket": """Calculate the 1d wavelet packet transform for the input data. Args: data (torch.Tensor): The input data array of shape ``[time]`` or ``[batch_size, time]``. maxlevel (int, optional): The highest decomposition level to compute. If None, the maximum level is determined from the input data shape. Defaults to None. """ = {} if maxlevel is None: maxlevel = pywt.dwt_max_level(data.shape[-1], self.wavelet.dec_len) self.maxlevel = maxlevel self._recursive_dwt(data, level=0, path="") return self
[docs] def reconstruct(self) -> "WaveletPacket": """Recursively reconstruct the input starting from the leaf nodes. Reconstruction replaces the input data originally assigned to this object. Note: Only changes to leaf node data impact the results, since changes in all other nodes will be replaced with a reconstruction from the leaves. Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> import ptwt, torch >>> signal = np.random.randn(1, 16) >>> ptwp = ptwt.WaveletPacket(torch.from_numpy(signal), "haar", >>> mode="boundary", maxlevel=2) >>> ptwp["aa"].data *= 0 >>> ptwp.reconstruct() >>> print(ptwp[""]) """ if self.maxlevel is None: self.maxlevel = pywt.dwt_max_level(self[""].shape[-1], self.wavelet.dec_len) for level in reversed(range(self.maxlevel)): for node in self.get_level(level): data_a = self[node + "a"] data_b = self[node + "d"] rec = self._get_waverec(data_a.shape[-1])([data_a, data_b]) if level > 0: if rec.shape[-1] != self[node].shape[-1]: assert ( rec.shape[-1] == self[node].shape[-1] + 1 ), "padding error, please open an issue on github" rec = rec[..., :-1] self[node] = rec return self
def _get_wavedec( self, length: int, ) -> Callable[[torch.Tensor], List[torch.Tensor]]: if self.mode == "boundary": if length not in self._matrix_wavedec_dict.keys(): self._matrix_wavedec_dict[length] = MatrixWavedec( self.wavelet, level=1, boundary=self.boundary, axis=self.axis ) return self._matrix_wavedec_dict[length] else: return partial( wavedec, wavelet=self.wavelet, level=1, mode=self.mode, axis=self.axis ) def _get_waverec( self, length: int, ) -> Callable[[List[torch.Tensor]], torch.Tensor]: if self.mode == "boundary": if length not in self._matrix_waverec_dict.keys(): self._matrix_waverec_dict[length] = MatrixWaverec( self.wavelet, boundary=self.boundary, axis=self.axis ) return self._matrix_waverec_dict[length] else: return partial(waverec, wavelet=self.wavelet, axis=self.axis)
[docs] def get_level(self, level: int) -> List[str]: """Return the graycode-ordered paths to the filter tree nodes. Args: level (int): The depth of the tree. Returns: list: A list with the paths to each node. """ return self._get_graycode_order(level)
def _get_graycode_order(self, level: int, x: str = "a", y: str = "d") -> List[str]: graycode_order = [x, y] for _ in range(level - 1): graycode_order = [x + path for path in graycode_order] + [ y + path for path in graycode_order[::-1] ] if level == 0: return [""] else: return graycode_order def _recursive_dwt(self, data: torch.Tensor, level: int, path: str) -> None: if not self.maxlevel: raise AssertionError[path] = data if level < self.maxlevel: res_lo, res_hi = self._get_wavedec(data.shape[-1])(data) self._recursive_dwt(res_lo, level + 1, path + "a") self._recursive_dwt(res_hi, level + 1, path + "d") def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> torch.Tensor: """Access the coefficients in the wavelet packets tree. Args: key (str): The key of the accessed coefficients. The string may only consist of the following chars: 'a', 'd'. Returns: torch.Tensor: The accessed wavelet packet coefficients. Raises: ValueError: If the wavelet packet tree is not initialized. KeyError: If no wavelet coefficients are indexed by the specified key. """ if self.maxlevel is None: raise ValueError( "The wavelet packet tree must be initialized via 'transform' before " "its values can be accessed!" ) if key not in self and len(key) > self.maxlevel: raise KeyError( f"The requested level {len(key)} with key '{key}' is too large and " "cannot be accessed! This wavelet packet tree is initialized with " f"maximum level {self.maxlevel}." ) return super().__getitem__(key)
[docs] class WaveletPacket2D(BaseDict): """Two-dimensional wavelet packets. Example code illustrating the use of this class is available at: """ def __init__( self, data: Optional[torch.Tensor], wavelet: Union[Wavelet, str], mode: ExtendedBoundaryMode = "reflect", maxlevel: Optional[int] = None, axes: Tuple[int, int] = (-2, -1), boundary_orthogonalization: OrthogonalizeMethod = "qr", separable: bool = False, ) -> None: """Create a 2D-Wavelet packet tree. Args: data (torch.tensor, optional): The input data tensor. For example of shape ``[batch_size, height, width]`` or ``[batch_size, channels, height, width]``. If None, the object is initialized without performing a decomposition. wavelet (Wavelet or str): A pywt wavelet compatible object or the name of a pywt wavelet. mode : A string indicating the desired padding mode. If you select 'boundary', the sparse matrix backend is used. Defaults to 'reflect' maxlevel (int, optional): Value is passed on to `transform`. The highest decomposition level to compute. If None, the maximum level is determined from the input data shape. Defaults to None. axes ([int, int], optional): The tensor axes that should be transformed. Defaults to (-2, -1). boundary_orthogonalization : The orthogonalization method to use in the sparse matrix backend. Only used if `mode` equals 'boundary'. Choose from 'qr' or 'gramschmidt'. Defaults to 'qr'. separable (bool): If true, a separable transform is performed, i.e. each image axis is transformed separately. Defaults to False. """ self.wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet) self.mode = mode self.boundary = boundary_orthogonalization self.separable = separable self.matrix_wavedec2_dict: Dict[Tuple[int, ...], MatrixWavedec2] = {} self.matrix_waverec2_dict: Dict[Tuple[int, ...], MatrixWaverec2] = {} self.axes = axes self.maxlevel: Optional[int] = None if data is not None: self.transform(data, maxlevel) else: = {}
[docs] def transform( self, data: torch.Tensor, maxlevel: Optional[int] = None ) -> "WaveletPacket2D": """Calculate the 2d wavelet packet transform for the input data. The transform function allows reusing the same object. Args: data (torch.tensor): The input data tensor of shape [batch_size, height, width] maxlevel (int, optional): The highest decomposition level to compute. If None, the maximum level is determined from the input data shape. Defaults to None. """ = {} if maxlevel is None: maxlevel = pywt.dwt_max_level(min(data.shape[-2:]), self.wavelet.dec_len) self.maxlevel = maxlevel if data.dim() == 2: # add batch dim to unbatched input data = data.unsqueeze(0) self._recursive_dwt2d(data, level=0, path="") return self
[docs] def reconstruct(self) -> "WaveletPacket2D": """Recursively reconstruct the input starting from the leaf nodes. Note: Only changes to leaf node data impact the results, since changes in all other nodes will be replaced with a reconstruction from the leaves. """ if self.maxlevel is None: self.maxlevel = pywt.dwt_max_level( min(self[""].shape[-2:]), self.wavelet.dec_len ) for level in reversed(range(self.maxlevel)): for node in self.get_natural_order(level): data_a = self[node + "a"] data_h = self[node + "h"] data_v = self[node + "v"] data_d = self[node + "d"] rec = self._get_waverec(data_a.shape[-2:])( [data_a, (data_h, data_v, data_d)] ) if level > 0: if rec.shape[-1] != self[node].shape[-1]: assert ( rec.shape[-1] == self[node].shape[-1] + 1 ), "padding error, please open an issue on GitHub" rec = rec[..., :-1] if rec.shape[-2] != self[node].shape[-2]: assert ( rec.shape[-2] == self[node].shape[-2] + 1 ), "padding error, please open an issue on GitHub" rec = rec[..., :-1, :] self[node] = rec return self
[docs] def get_natural_order(self, level: int) -> List[str]: """Get the natural ordering for a given decomposition level. Args: level (int): The decomposition level. Returns: list: A list with the filter order strings. """ return ["".join(p) for p in product(["a", "h", "v", "d"], repeat=level)]
def _get_wavedec(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Callable[ [torch.Tensor], List[Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]], ]: if self.mode == "boundary": shape = tuple(shape) if shape not in self.matrix_wavedec2_dict.keys(): self.matrix_wavedec2_dict[shape] = MatrixWavedec2( self.wavelet, level=1, axes=self.axes, boundary=self.boundary, separable=self.separable, ) fun = self.matrix_wavedec2_dict[shape] return fun elif self.separable: return self._transform_fsdict_to_tuple_func( partial( fswavedec2, wavelet=self.wavelet, level=1, mode=self.mode, axes=self.axes, ) ) else: return partial( wavedec2, wavelet=self.wavelet, level=1, mode=self.mode, axes=self.axes ) def _get_waverec(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Callable[ [List[Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]]], torch.Tensor, ]: if self.mode == "boundary": shape = tuple(shape) if shape not in self.matrix_waverec2_dict.keys(): self.matrix_waverec2_dict[shape] = MatrixWaverec2( self.wavelet, axes=self.axes, boundary=self.boundary, separable=self.separable, ) return self.matrix_waverec2_dict[shape] elif self.separable: return self._transform_tuple_to_fsdict_func( partial(fswaverec2, wavelet=self.wavelet, axes=self.axes) ) else: return partial(waverec2, wavelet=self.wavelet, axes=self.axes) def _transform_fsdict_to_tuple_func( self, fs_dict_func: Callable[ [torch.Tensor], List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]] ], ) -> Callable[ [torch.Tensor], List[Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]], ]: def _tuple_func( data: torch.Tensor, ) -> List[Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]]: a_coeff, fsdict = fs_dict_func(data) fsdict = cast(Dict[str, torch.Tensor], fsdict) return [ cast(torch.Tensor, a_coeff), (fsdict["ad"], fsdict["da"], fsdict["dd"]), ] return _tuple_func def _transform_tuple_to_fsdict_func( self, fsdict_func: Callable[ [List[Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]], torch.Tensor ], ) -> Callable[ [List[Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]]], torch.Tensor, ]: def _fsdict_func( coeffs: List[ Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]] ] ) -> torch.Tensor: a, (h, v, d) = coeffs return fsdict_func([cast(torch.Tensor, a), {"ad": h, "da": v, "dd": d}]) return _fsdict_func def _recursive_dwt2d(self, data: torch.Tensor, level: int, path: str) -> None: if not self.maxlevel: raise AssertionError[path] = data if level < self.maxlevel: result_a, (result_h, result_v, result_d) = self._get_wavedec( data.shape[-2:] )(data) # assert for type checking assert not isinstance(result_a, tuple) self._recursive_dwt2d(result_a, level + 1, path + "a") self._recursive_dwt2d(result_h, level + 1, path + "h") self._recursive_dwt2d(result_v, level + 1, path + "v") self._recursive_dwt2d(result_d, level + 1, path + "d") def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> torch.Tensor: """Access the coefficients in the wavelet packets tree. Args: key (str): The key of the accessed coefficients. The string may only consist of the following chars: 'a', 'h', 'v', 'd'. Returns: torch.Tensor: The accessed wavelet packet coefficients. Raises: ValueError: If the wavelet packet tree is not initialized. KeyError: If no wavelet coefficients are indexed by the specified key. """ if self.maxlevel is None: raise ValueError( "The wavelet packet tree must be initialized via 'transform' before " "its values can be accessed!" ) if key not in self and len(key) > self.maxlevel: raise KeyError( f"The requested level {len(key)} with key '{key}' is too large and " "cannot be accessed! This wavelet packet tree is initialized with " f"maximum level {self.maxlevel}." ) return super().__getitem__(key)
[docs] def get_freq_order(level: int) -> List[List[Tuple[str, ...]]]: """Get the frequency order for a given packet decomposition level. Use this code to create two-dimensional frequency orderings. Args: level (int): The number of decomposition scales. Returns: list: A list with the tree nodes in frequency order. Note: Adapted from: The code elements denote the filter application order. The filters are named following the pywt convention as: a - LL, low-low coefficients h - LH, low-high coefficients v - HL, high-low coefficients d - HH, high-high coefficients """ wp_natural_path = product(["a", "h", "v", "d"], repeat=level) def _get_graycode_order(level: int, x: str = "a", y: str = "d") -> List[str]: graycode_order = [x, y] for _ in range(level - 1): graycode_order = [x + path for path in graycode_order] + [ y + path for path in graycode_order[::-1] ] return graycode_order def _expand_2d_path(path: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Tuple[str, str]: expanded_paths = {"d": "hh", "h": "hl", "v": "lh", "a": "ll"} return ( "".join([expanded_paths[p][0] for p in path]), "".join([expanded_paths[p][1] for p in path]), ) nodes_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]]] = {} for (row_path, col_path), node in [ (_expand_2d_path(node), node) for node in wp_natural_path ]: nodes_dict.setdefault(row_path, {})[col_path] = node graycode_order = _get_graycode_order(level, x="l", y="h") nodes = [nodes_dict[path] for path in graycode_order if path in nodes_dict] result = [] for row in nodes: result.append([row[path] for path in graycode_order if path in row]) return result