Source code for ptwt.conv_transform

"""Fast wavelet transformations based on torch.nn.functional.conv1d and its transpose.

This module treats boundaries with edge-padding.

from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, cast

import pywt
import torch

from ._util import (
from .constants import BoundaryMode

def _create_tensor(
    filter: Sequence[float], flip: bool, device: torch.device, dtype: torch.dtype
) -> torch.Tensor:
    if flip:
        if isinstance(filter, torch.Tensor):
            return filter.flip(-1).unsqueeze(0).to(device=device, dtype=dtype)
            return torch.tensor(filter[::-1], device=device, dtype=dtype).unsqueeze(0)
        if isinstance(filter, torch.Tensor):
            return filter.unsqueeze(0).to(device=device, dtype=dtype)
            return torch.tensor(filter, device=device, dtype=dtype).unsqueeze(0)

def _get_filter_tensors(
    wavelet: Union[Wavelet, str],
    flip: bool,
    device: Union[torch.device, str],
    dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float32,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    """Convert input wavelet to filter tensors.

        wavelet (Wavelet or str): A pywt wavelet compatible object or
            the name of a pywt wavelet.
        flip (bool): Flip filters left-right, if true.
        device (torch.device or str): PyTorch target device.
        dtype (torch.dtype): The data type sets the precision of the
               computation. Default: torch.float32.

        tuple: Tuple containing the four filter tensors
        dec_lo, dec_hi, rec_lo, rec_hi

    wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet)
    device = torch.device(device)

    if isinstance(wavelet, tuple):
        dec_lo, dec_hi, rec_lo, rec_hi = wavelet
        dec_lo, dec_hi, rec_lo, rec_hi = wavelet.filter_bank
    dec_lo_tensor = _create_tensor(dec_lo, flip, device, dtype)
    dec_hi_tensor = _create_tensor(dec_hi, flip, device, dtype)
    rec_lo_tensor = _create_tensor(rec_lo, flip, device, dtype)
    rec_hi_tensor = _create_tensor(rec_hi, flip, device, dtype)
    return dec_lo_tensor, dec_hi_tensor, rec_lo_tensor, rec_hi_tensor

def _get_pad(data_len: int, filt_len: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    """Compute the required padding.

        data_len (int): The length of the input vector.
        filt_len (int): The size of the used filter.

        Tuple: The first entry specifies how many numbers
            to attach on the right. The second
            entry covers the left side.

    # pad to ensure we see all filter positions and
    # for pywt compatability.
    # convolution output length:
    # see section 2.3:
    # floor([data_len - filt_len]/2) + 1
    # should equal pywt output length
    # floor((data_len + filt_len - 1)/2)
    # => floor([data_len + total_pad - filt_len]/2) + 1
    #    = floor((data_len + filt_len - 1)/2)
    # (data_len + total_pad - filt_len) + 2 = data_len + filt_len - 1
    # total_pad = 2*filt_len - 3

    # we pad half of the total requried padding on each side.
    padr = (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2
    padl = (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2

    # pad to even singal length.
    if data_len % 2 != 0:
        padr += 1

    return padr, padl

def _translate_boundary_strings(pywt_mode: BoundaryMode) -> str:
    """Translate pywt mode strings to PyTorch mode strings.

    We support constant, zero, reflect, and periodic.
    Unfortunately, "constant" has different meanings in the
    Pytorch and PyWavelet communities.

        ValueError: If the padding mode is not supported.

    if pywt_mode == "constant":
        return "replicate"
    elif pywt_mode == "zero":
        return "constant"
    elif pywt_mode == "reflect":
        return pywt_mode
    elif pywt_mode == "periodic":
        return "circular"
    elif pywt_mode == "symmetric":
        # pytorch does not support symmetric mode,
        # we have our own implementation.
        return pywt_mode
    raise ValueError(f"Padding mode not supported: {pywt_mode}")

def _fwt_pad(
    data: torch.Tensor,
    wavelet: Union[Wavelet, str],
    mode: Optional[BoundaryMode] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Pad the input signal to make the fwt matrix work.

    The padding assumes a future step will transform the last axis.

        data (torch.Tensor): Input data ``[batch_size, 1, time]``
        wavelet (Wavelet or str): A pywt wavelet compatible object or
            the name of a pywt wavelet.
        mode :
            The desired padding mode for extending the signal along the edges.
            Defaults to "reflect". See :data:`ptwt.constants.BoundaryMode`.

        torch.Tensor: A PyTorch tensor with the padded input data

    wavelet = _as_wavelet(wavelet)

    # convert pywt to pytorch convention.
    if mode is None:
        mode = cast(BoundaryMode, "reflect")
    pytorch_mode = _translate_boundary_strings(mode)

    padr, padl = _get_pad(data.shape[-1], _get_len(wavelet))
    if pytorch_mode == "symmetric":
        data_pad = _pad_symmetric(data, [(padl, padr)])
        data_pad = torch.nn.functional.pad(data, [padl, padr], mode=pytorch_mode)
    return data_pad

def _flatten_2d_coeff_lst(
    coeff_lst_2d: List[
        Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]
    flatten_tensors: bool = True,
) -> List[torch.Tensor]:
    """Flattens a list of tensor tuples into a single list.

        coeff_lst_2d (list): A pywt-style coefficient list of torch tensors.
        flatten_tensors (bool): If true, 2d tensors are flattened. Defaults to True.

        list: A single 1-d list with all original elements.
    flat_coeff_lst = []
    for coeff in coeff_lst_2d:
        if isinstance(coeff, tuple):
            for c in coeff:
                if flatten_tensors:
            if flatten_tensors:
    return flat_coeff_lst

def _adjust_padding_at_reconstruction(
    res_ll_size: int, coeff_size: int, pad_end: int, pad_start: int
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    pred_size = res_ll_size - (pad_start + pad_end)
    next_size = coeff_size
    if next_size == pred_size:
    elif next_size == pred_size - 1:
        pad_end += 1
        raise AssertionError(
            "padding error, please check if dec and rec wavelets are identical."
    return pad_end, pad_start

def _preprocess_tensor_dec1d(
    data: torch.Tensor,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Union[List[int], None]]:
    """Preprocess input tensor dimensions.

        data (torch.Tensor): An input tensor of any shape.

        Tuple[torch.Tensor, Union[List[int], None]]:
            A data tensor of shape [new_batch, 1, to_process]
            and the original shape, if the shape has changed.
    ds = None
    if len(data.shape) == 1:
        # assume time series
        data = data.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
    elif len(data.shape) == 2:
        # assume batched time series
        data = data.unsqueeze(1)
        data, ds = _fold_axes(data, 1)
        data = data.unsqueeze(1)
    return data, ds

def _postprocess_result_list_dec1d(
    result_lst: List[torch.Tensor], ds: List[int]
) -> List[torch.Tensor]:
    # Unfold axes for the wavelets
    return [_unfold_axes(fres, ds, 1) for fres in result_lst]

def _preprocess_result_list_rec1d(
    result_lst: List[torch.Tensor],
) -> Tuple[List[torch.Tensor], List[int]]:
    # Fold axes for the wavelets
    ds = list(result_lst[0].shape)
    fold_coeffs = [_fold_axes(uf_coeff, 1)[0] for uf_coeff in result_lst]
    return fold_coeffs, ds

[docs] def wavedec( data: torch.Tensor, wavelet: Union[Wavelet, str], *, mode: BoundaryMode = "reflect", level: Optional[int] = None, axis: int = -1, ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: r"""Compute the analysis (forward) 1d fast wavelet transform. The transformation relies on convolution operations with filter pairs. .. math:: x_s * h_k = c_{k,s+1} Where :math:`x_s` denotes the input at scale :math:`s`, with :math:`x_0` equal to the original input. :math:`h_k` denotes the convolution filter, with :math:`k \in {A, D}`, where :math:`A` for approximation and :math:`D` for detail. The processes uses approximation coefficients as inputs for higher scales. Set the `level` argument to choose the largest scale. Args: data (torch.Tensor): The input time series, By default the last axis is transformed. wavelet (Wavelet or str): A pywt wavelet compatible object or the name of a pywt wavelet. Please consider the output from ``pywt.wavelist(kind='discrete')`` for possible choices. mode : The desired padding mode for extending the signal along the edges. Defaults to "reflect". See :data:`ptwt.constants.BoundaryMode`. level (int): The scale level to be computed. Defaults to None. axis (int): Compute the transform over this axis instead of the last one. Defaults to -1. Returns: list: A list:: [cA_s, cD_s, cD_s-1, …, cD2, cD1] containing the wavelet coefficients. A denotes approximation and D detail coefficients. Raises: ValueError: If the dtype of the input data tensor is unsupported or if more than one axis is provided. Example: >>> import torch >>> import ptwt, pywt >>> import numpy as np >>> # generate an input of even length. >>> data = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]) >>> data_torch = torch.from_numpy(data.astype(np.float32)) >>> # compute the forward fwt coefficients >>> ptwt.wavedec(data_torch, pywt.Wavelet('haar'), >>> mode='zero', level=2) """ if axis != -1: if isinstance(axis, int): data = data.swapaxes(axis, -1) else: raise ValueError("wavedec transforms a single axis only.") if not _is_dtype_supported(data.dtype): raise ValueError(f"Input dtype {data.dtype} not supported") data, ds = _preprocess_tensor_dec1d(data) dec_lo, dec_hi, _, _ = _get_filter_tensors( wavelet, flip=True, device=data.device, dtype=data.dtype ) filt_len = dec_lo.shape[-1] filt = torch.stack([dec_lo, dec_hi], 0) if level is None: level = pywt.dwt_max_level(data.shape[-1], filt_len) result_list = [] res_lo = data for _ in range(level): res_lo = _fwt_pad(res_lo, wavelet, mode=mode) res = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(res_lo, filt, stride=2) res_lo, res_hi = torch.split(res, 1, 1) result_list.append(res_hi.squeeze(1)) result_list.append(res_lo.squeeze(1)) result_list.reverse() if ds: result_list = _postprocess_result_list_dec1d(result_list, ds) if axis != -1: result_list = [coeff.swapaxes(axis, -1) for coeff in result_list] return result_list
[docs] def waverec( coeffs: List[torch.Tensor], wavelet: Union[Wavelet, str], axis: int = -1 ) -> torch.Tensor: """Reconstruct a signal from wavelet coefficients. Args: coeffs (list): The wavelet coefficient list produced by wavedec. wavelet (Wavelet or str): A pywt wavelet compatible object or the name of a pywt wavelet. axis (int): Transform this axis instead of the last one. Defaults to -1. Returns: torch.Tensor: The reconstructed signal. Raises: ValueError: If the dtype of the coeffs tensor is unsupported or if the coefficients have incompatible shapes, dtypes or devices or if more than one axis is provided. Example: >>> import torch >>> import ptwt, pywt >>> import numpy as np >>> # generate an input of even length. >>> data = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]) >>> data_torch = torch.from_numpy(data.astype(np.float32)) >>> # invert the fast wavelet transform. >>> ptwt.waverec(ptwt.wavedec(data_torch, pywt.Wavelet('haar'), >>> mode='zero', level=2), >>> pywt.Wavelet('haar')) """ torch_device = coeffs[0].device torch_dtype = coeffs[0].dtype if not _is_dtype_supported(torch_dtype): raise ValueError(f"Input dtype {torch_dtype} not supported") for coeff in coeffs[1:]: if torch_device != coeff.device: raise ValueError("coefficients must be on the same device") elif torch_dtype != coeff.dtype: raise ValueError("coefficients must have the same dtype") if axis != -1: swap = [] if isinstance(axis, int): for coeff in coeffs: swap.append(coeff.swapaxes(axis, -1)) coeffs = swap else: raise ValueError("waverec transforms a single axis only.") # fold channels, if necessary. ds = None if coeffs[0].dim() >= 3: coeffs, ds = _preprocess_result_list_rec1d(coeffs) _, _, rec_lo, rec_hi = _get_filter_tensors( wavelet, flip=False, device=torch_device, dtype=torch_dtype ) filt_len = rec_lo.shape[-1] filt = torch.stack([rec_lo, rec_hi], 0) res_lo = coeffs[0] for c_pos, res_hi in enumerate(coeffs[1:]): res_lo = torch.stack([res_lo, res_hi], 1) res_lo = torch.nn.functional.conv_transpose1d(res_lo, filt, stride=2).squeeze(1) # remove the padding padl = (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 padr = (2 * filt_len - 3) // 2 if c_pos < len(coeffs) - 2: padr, padl = _adjust_padding_at_reconstruction( res_lo.shape[-1], coeffs[c_pos + 2].shape[-1], padr, padl ) if padl > 0: res_lo = res_lo[..., padl:] if padr > 0: res_lo = res_lo[..., :-padr] if ds: res_lo = _unfold_axes(res_lo, ds, 1) if axis != -1: res_lo = res_lo.swapaxes(axis, -1) return res_lo